Tuesday, 8 July 2008

The G8 - More of what was already there

Hello All,

My apologies for the extended absence! My isp problems still continue but appear to be improving!

There has been much on the Internet and the TV about the G8. I see, from various reports that they had invited some African "leaders" to the summit who, basically, appealed for at the very least, a delay in the sanctions against Mugabe. What???? Why didn't the G8 tell them to get stuffed??

I did watch an interesting, but disturbing report from Zimbabwe on ITV - interestingly, though, they interviewed a member of the ZRP who said that there was much "discontentment" amongst the ranks or both the army and the police. And warned that there would be "open disobedience". This is something that I am all too acutely aware of.

Mugabe needs to sit up and listen.

Back to the G8 - this report talks about the sanctions and measures against Mugabe. I am a little confused as to what is new in these measures? I thought FULL economic sanctions was on the agenda - not the same thing we had before? Clearly apart from noise - there is nothing new going on really.

Also on SA News24 this evening is a report quoting "Bright" Matonga saying that any sanctions by the G8 were racist!!! I cannot wait to test this man's lack of intelligence and his view of what is right and wrong or lawful and unlawful in court one day! If you have every heard a racist speaking - listen to this guy!


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