Thursday, 28 August 2008

And We Stagger On!

Hello all,

A short entry today...

A recent scan of the news reveals not much of real interest - Zimbabwe literally staggers on a bit more. Mugabe, having failed in his bid to absorb his detractors is now charging on alone as usual! It is noteworthy that the rest of Africa remains silent in their ever stoic way. But then, I always have to remind myself that this is Africa - and here we do what individual dictators want!

The passing of Levy Mwanasa was a blow to the anti Mugabe movement, but it seems that Zambia may continue with that line! which is a good thing - and the South African elections are getting ever nearer. Mugabe mus be looking in despair at "the wall" and be reading, with horror the writing that is there.

People often ask me if I am disappointed with the outcome of the elections.. Well I am not, but then I never truly expected a different outcome - Mugabe was never going to allow the ballot to actually reflect the will of the people and oust him - he never has, so why would that change now? I think though, he has realised that the time is now drawing inexorably nearer and he needs to make plans - in the meantime, he will hang on, law and order will be become ever more irrelevant and the general state of things will, inevitably deteriorate - they WILL get worse before they get better.. but then they WILL get better.

And there are a great number of Zimbabweans who, having done well in the rest of the world will come home and the economy, with huge injections of promised aid, will bounce back. The infrastructure in Zimbabwe still exists, we just need the right people to operate it!

And this will all start with the police and the re-establishment of the rule of law. In my view (naturally!), the cornerstone of any economic recovery is the re-establishment of the rule of law and all it's attendants, such as human rights, property rights, security and freedom. This has to start with the police - and that will mean virtually eliminating the ENTIRE hierarchy of the Police force, re-organising training and development within the force and redeployment of officers who WILL do the job correctly and with dedication.


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