Monday, 8 December 2008

Good News... and More Bad News

I have had time a busy at work and am preparing to go and assist with members of the Zimbabwean public displaced and dying from Mugabe induced cholera.. So, within the next few days, my postings will become even more sporadic as I am not sure what, if any, Internet access I will find on the borders of Zimbabwe!

I note that there are more "calls for Mugabe to step down".. I still cannot believe that western politicians believe that Mugabe would even pay the slightest heed to them - he is well fed, he is healthy, he has diamonds and other mineral wealth, he has large amounts of money that the western banking world cannot find, he has people whose loyalty he has both bought and obtained through threat - why would he give a continental what the "Mad Gordon Brown" wants? The only people speaking sense at the moment are the Kenyan Prime Minister Raila Odinga and the Botswanan administration. I am even dismayed to see that Jacob Zuma is taking the "mediation through Mbeki stance"!

I say again that the MDC should listen to Botswana and accept their offer - that will create a bigger problem for Mugabe and send the absolute signal that they are not going to play anymore whilst Mugabe and co prevaricate, abduct and murder still more Zimbabweans.

I see, however, that another ZANU-pf "cadre" has died.. in a road accident. He was on his way to "preside over" a zanu-pf election (I wonder why they still bother with the sham of an election - just appoint someone.. ZANU-pf has no care for elections or the will of the people!). Elliot Manyika has been widely acknowledged as one of the pioneers of the violence and abductions. It is my fervent hope that he laying dying and bleeding in the wreck of his vehicle and had ample time to feel a lot of pain and reflect on the fact that no ambulance or paramedic would be on their way to rescue him.. because his direct influence had helped destroy the infrastructure that supported such services. And I hope he realised that a huge contributory factor in his accident is the lack of law and order on the roads in Zimbabwe.. where the police have been converted to ZANU-pf militia and have no interested in enforcing the law!

Poetic Justice I would say - pity it doesn't happen to more of these criminals!

It is also widely reported that the abductions continue - and members of the so-called police are instrumental in this.

Police officers do not abduct people - they arrest them, charge them and bring them before an independent court which will decide whether the individual is guilty or not and if guilty, an appropriate punishment.

ZANU-pf militia masquerading as police officers abduct people regularly - they have to abduct them because in reality, they have no reason to interact with them otherwise. And these people are "disappeared"... this is not the work of police officers.

It is time that real police officers caught up in this mess walked out.. you are not being effective in mitigating the actions of the militia - so get out now, lest you be tarred with the same brush as them. It will be the fastest way for you to secure your future.


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