Saturday, 14 February 2009

More "Arrests"??

Well it certainly didn't take long for the ZANU-pf militia to show their hand... the ink is not even dry on the paper of the Prime Minister's swearing in... and Zanu-pf and their pit bulls are up to their old tricks!

This must clearly demonstrate what the MDC are up against. The first thing that needs to happen if this government is to have any hope of surviving, is the re-organisation of the ZRP and internal investigations (by outside parties) as to the goings on. The so called "CID Law and Order" section needs to be completely disbanded and ALL of the personnel assigned there over the past ten years need to be arrested.
And this cannot be done by PISI (Police Internal Security Intelligence) - they themselves need disbanding, arresting and investigating. I personally have witnessed their method of "investigation" - usually this consists of beating any suspect you wish to fit to any "offence" with a length of armoured cable until a "confession" is obtained. And do not kid yourselves - this is routine.

Following the mass infusion of Zanu-pf loyalists into the force, all the precepts of a lawful force preventing and investigating crimes within the bounds of the law have disappeared. The so called officers have absolutely no training or ability to properly investigate anything by making appropriate "enquiries". There is no ability to back up charges with actual evidence and no ability to gather, examine or process scenes of crime for evidence which can then be scientifically evaluated for inclusion in dockets to be presented in a court of law.

That sort of thing is too much of a waste of time in ZANU-pf's eyes, particularly when there is NO evidence because NO offence has been committed or the evidence points back at them - it all becomes too costly and too inconvenient and certainly will not produce the desired result.

I note from the reports of Bennett's "arrest" that an actually "warrant" was obtained - who signed this warrant? And based on what evidence? bearing in mind what I said above, the other thing that springs to mind is the lack of impartiality of the judiciary. Clearly this is merely the old regime trying to stamp it's authority again and letting everyone know that they believe themselves to still be entirely and singularly in control of Zimbabwe.

I can assure you that if I were there now, in uniform and backed up by a few of my former colleagues (some of whom are still trapped in the militia).. In a few short hours I could put together, properly and supported by actual forensic evidence, water tight cases against most of the so called " state agents", CIO, CID and Uniform branch officers, right up to and including the laughable "commissioner general". I wonder what would happen if that happy situation occurred and we started arresting, detaining and producing before a proper court, these individuals? I am sure we would be the target of many violent attacks by ZANU-pf "gun-men" or other arms of their militia, probably even from within the so-called police itself.. but, with active policing and a good core of men, these criminals would very quickly be properly convicted and behind the bars they use stifle the people of Zimbabwe, Democracy, Law and Order, progress, Development and any other positive thing you can think of!

I guess the situation will continue along these lines for some time to come. It is going to be a very difficult road as the SADC are too cowardly to get involved really - they will, not doubt make some statement about it not being their business to interfere with the police and law in Zimbabwe etc, etc ad nauseum..
So actually, the situation on the ground is going to be VERY difficult to change. Until Mugabe and ZANU-pf have been dispossessed of all they have stolen from the people of Zimbabwe.

When you really examine thing and consider the whole picture, the law is still in a total state of collapse and while that continues... nothing can change.

No doubt the SADC, ZANU-pf, South Africa and everyone else who have IMMEDIATELY started jumping up and down for the removal of sanctions should now be told to look at what is happening and that NO MONEY is forthcoming until Bennett is released and all the so-called state agents etc are behind bars, being properly investigated, charged and convicted of the crimes they have committed and will continue to commit.

Sadly though, this whole episode points to the fact that these "state agents" and "police officers" and "soldiers" are all carrying on regardless because they know nothing will change and they feel they can act with impunity. There is absolutely no indication that they are trying to modify their behaviour because they might feel their time is at an end and that their behaviour will land them in trouble!
And I guess that basically says it all - they will continue doing what they want, when they want and how they want and that will be that. After all their provocation and ignoring the MoU and GNU agreements, when the MDC are finally forced to walk away they will still jump up and say it was the MDC's fault!

This is actually now approaching a very pathetic state.


Anonymous said...

zimcop. gone are the days when a cop would go about his duties without interference from the so called stupid'chefs'. By the way this a term associated with cooking! Nothing will change! A real change is a shake up from the Commissioner- minus the word general, right down to the guy who holds the office of operations, human resources! they need another re orientation course! In simple terms-what the Z.R.P. stands for! some of us resigned, we could not stomach what was going in!We were once proud to be cops- left ashamed to be part of it!

Zimcop said...

Your sentiments are very well understood. Many good officers have left feeling ashamed.. and that should never have happened.

I hope that when the time is right, you and I and people like us, will return and rebuild our police force so that we will once again be proud to serve the people and the nation.