Wednesday, 26 November 2008

Botswana - The voice of sanity

Death no longer stalks the streets of Zimbabwe.. it walks around openly and just takes whoever it wants. The very people whose job description begins with "Protect Life", the police, are one of the main causes of upholding not the law, but the lawless and helping death to roam unfettered.

Every day now it is harder and harder to find any justification Mugabe has for hanging on. He must go. NOW. And his party militia needs to be rapidly replaced by a force staffed by courageous individuals who are properly trained, equipped and disciplined needs to move in rapidly to restore order.

Botswana is who everyone should now be listening to. And I would think that if Morgan Tsvangirai fails to secure an agreement in South Africa that is both workable and enforceable, he should take up Botswana's offer and go directly to Gaborone. And the rest of the world should just ignore Mugabe and start to deal with the properly elected government of Zimbabwe.

Unfortunately, it seems that many world leaders are picked for their ignorance. I was watching a report on Television tonight in which a British MP was was being interviewed. He referred, repeatedly to the government of Zimbabwe taking action to avert the health crisis exploding there now.. which "government" is it that he is referring to? Is there a government in Zimbabwe right now?????? If so, what is it's composition? Who is in it? What mandate do they carry from the people of Zimbabwe? News media needs to get to grip with the fact that ZANU-pf is NOT THE RULING PARTY IN ZIMBABWE! And they need to stop conferring legitimacy on Mugabe's gang of thieves who are raping the country and enriching themselves further, Mugabe is NOT the PRESIDENT and he has no ministers.

I was pleased to see the new individuals named in the sanctions, Rautenbach has made a life outside the law - he was a Rhodesian sanctions buster and, no doubt one of Mugabe's greatest assets - The rest of the world now need to do the same thing and a huge investigation to find his resources needs to start now. I have no sympathy and would be glad to see him in court - he is one of the white criminals who has not only supported Mugabe, but also made an absolute killing off the backs of the poor people in the country.. of which there are many. Other notorious names need to be added to the list, not least of which is Nicholas Van Hoogstratten.

It will be interesting to see what happens next, but I hope to see Tsvangirai in Botswana leading the proper government of Zimbabwe.


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