Tuesday, 25 November 2008

End of Times

Well the situation in Zimbabwe has gone from bad to worse. And will continue to do so until Mugabe and ZANU-pf either leave or accept the MDC as equal partners. In point of fact, Mugabe and ZANU-PF have no business running, or pretending to run Zimbabwe. The MDC (T) are the ruling party and it is high time they accepted it.

I have been reading, with interest, the comments by the group of so-called "elders". I have to marvel at Carters views.. the current Zimbabwe is a result of his views originally, now he seems to be labouring under the mis-apprehension that if the MDC join Mugabe's government as junior partners, they will be able to curtail the excesses of Mugabe and the JOC through their parliamentary majority!

How did this man become a world leader? Does he really believe, for one second, that Mugabe and the JOC will allow MDC to do anything at all? What does a parliamentary majority in Zimbabwe mean? Perhaps it means the same thing as a popular majority? Where the winners are beaten and jailed and the losers just take over and do as they please?

There is only two options remaining and I applaud Morgan Tsvangirai and his party for sticking to it - either a proper unity government in terms of the original agreement (not the "altered" one) with proper power sharing and the police force under the control of the MDC (T), or that ZANU-pf finally concede defeat and hand over the government to the legally elected leadership.

It is either that, or the deaths will soar. One cannot help but accept now, that the country has hit the bottom. Reports coming out of the country indicate that there is no functioning economy, no proper infrastructure, no law and order, no police force, no health service, no hospitals, no water, no electricity, no food... just nothing at all really, other than fear and oppression stalking the streets. And it will take some not inconsiderable sorting out. Mugabe couldn't make it work when he had everything going for him, how does anyone imagine he can make it work now?

His regional isolation continues to grow and the ante is growing steadily between ZANU-pf and Botswana. And probably his other neighbours too. I am so pleased that Botswana, Africa's most successful economy and democracy have mage no bones by clearly stating that they do not recognise Mugabe. Other nations would do well to follow their example. Botswana is a true friend of the Zimbabwean nation and all it's people - their straightforward stance is very hard for Mugabe and the JOC to deal with and Botswana is leading the way in saving the people of Zimbabwe. That Mugabe and the JOC have deployed CIO agents into Botswana to try and bolster their story is quite amusing really (apart from the fact that it is a hostile action against a sovereign and democratic nation and completely illegal). What happens when they turn up empty handed? I guess it will just mean another lie that Mugabe and his propaganda machine will find some bizarre explanation for, because, as we all know, Mugabe is never wrong and never at fault. The only people who have caused this in his opinion are some shadowy foreign governments who, by banning Mugabe and his people from travelling, have engineered the collapse of an entire nation... I think it will be highly amusing when Botswana start arresting CIO agents. It may even be a decent excuse for raising the diplomatic pressure even further.

I have been giving some thought to Mugabe's travel ban.. perhaps this should be lifted - when he arrives in a foreign country he can be arrested - he is not the elected leader of the nation and, therefore, in my mind, not entitled to diplomatic immunity. In fact, he is a common and garden criminal and needs to be brought before a court to face his handiwork! If western government are still frightened of taking action against Mugabe, they can readily call upon myself to do the deed, as a Zimbabwean police officer. As such I have the legal right to arrest him and would not hesitate to deal with the thugs that accompany him on his various jaunts. In terms of Zimbabwean law, I could also appoint Zimbabwean citizens to assist me in carrying out such an arrest and they can, under my direct supervision, act with full police powers. I wonder how volunteers would step up to the plate?

I think though, Mugabe and the JOC really need to sit up and take stock, they are painting themselves firmly into a corner - once they have alienated all their friends, and the list grows daily, their options for a bolt hole will be gone. So when it all finally comes crashing down around their ears, they will find themselves standing in a desert, surrounded by the Zimbabwean people rightfully seeking justice and there will be no where to hide.

I wonder if these talks will resolve anything.. until people like the "elders" actually wake up and stop making ridiculous suggestions which would play into Mugabe's hands and give him some sort of legitimacy, I doubt anything will change. And while things do not change, ordinary people living in fear are continuing to die because of Mugabe and because the rest of the world is too frightened to say anything.

Mugabe and his JOC have brought a reign of terror to the simple and decent people of Zimbabwe in their lust for power and their personal greed.. does this not then make them the epitome of terrorists? That being the case.. where is the GLOBAL war on terrorism and why is it failing the people of Zimbabwe? Is it simply because they are not a religious group? or, more correctly, is it because Zimbabwe has no oil?

I wonder how people will react to real policing when it returns to Zimbabwe along with freedom and democracy... We pray for that sanity to return every day.


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