Tuesday, 16 December 2008

Regime Change... but How?

The news is full of Zimbabwe again.

And the international community is, more and more calling for regime change - something they should have done in 2000... but that is all anyone is actually doing about Zimbabwe - talking. And Mugabe cares nothing about words - they are cheap and they mean nothing. Mugabe is rich and has the guns - no one can do anything to him - unless they are prepared to bring more and bigger guns - and they are not!

South Africa, much to my surprise, is still not using it's power to move Mugabe - Why would that be? Has the new president already been bought by Mugabe? Without South Africa and other neighbours support - Mugabe would fold and die in weeks!

I was interested to see on Britain's Channel 4 news an interview with Mr Miliband, the British foreign secretary. The interviewer made the point that they will probably still be doing similar interviews complaining and deploring the Mugabe regime late in 2009 and beyond.. and Mugabe will STILL be there! And yes, you had better believe they will.

If you want regime change Mr Miliband, get in touch with me. As a Zimbabwean police officer, I have the right and the legal mandate to deal with criminals in that country - and, with a bit of equipment - I can have the job done within a few weeks - it will cost very little and will not involve a war!

I see that Zimbabwe feels it is under "terrorist" attack because someone with no money and no hope (since it was taken away by Mugabe and his thieves) took a shot at the criminal purportedly in charge of what used to be Zimbabwe's airforce. I think though, as one commentator said - if it was a trained person - Shiri would be dead! The loss of Shiri would hardly be a blow to the embattled people of Zimbabwe.

Mr Miliband, another thing - if you want regime change, get hold of the legally elected President, Morgan Tsvangirai and pledge support and recognition for him to set up a government in exile. Get the rest of the international community to follow suit, stop the UN from dealing with Mugabe and things will start to change.

And if you are worried about feeding the people - deliver the food by air. With parachutes. Directly to the people who need it. And protect your delivery aircraft with the RAF and other international air forces. That way, Mugabe loses his command of the food, one of his big power cards (and no matter what you or the international aid agencies say - Mugabe is still controlling the food.. and probably the medicine now). And I guarantee that the so called air force of Zimbabwe poses no credible threat, in fact knocking a few of his planes down in quick succession would send a very clear message to Mugabe. And other tin pot dictators like him.

Other than the above all that is set to happen is more talking. More deploring. More condemning. More nothing and More Zimbabweans dying.

And many are dying - I wonder how the CIA view things in Zimbabwe - when I last offered to eliminate Mugabe - they told me they do not condone violence... so why are they condoning it now??????

And on a personal note to Mugabe - be aware that if there was, indeed, a real "terrorist" or security threat to Zimbabwe - you would already be dead! I certainly hope to have the pleasure of personally arresting you, Mnangagwa, Shiri, Chiwenga, Chihuri, Bvudzijena and the hundreds of others who have pledged themselves to you. You are all common criminals. You have NO mandate to run Zimbabwe (or plunder it) and you need to go now.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well done! As a deeply concerned South African citizen, what proactive measures can we take to help the Zimbabwean people?

Former Zimbabwean