Saturday, 21 June 2008


Hello all - apologies for the absence - life and work take their toll!

I have entitled this piece Chihuri because I wanted to examine the whole legal position of the force. Chihuri has often stated, publicly, that he supports ZANU-PF and that he expects all officers to do the same. He has also stated that he would not salute Morgan Tsvangirai, should he win the election.

Perhaps his sentiments are just as well because, should the MDC take power - their first order of business will be to re-establish the rule of law. Chihuri has broken the law. Directly and publicly. He faces many charges, not the least of which include corruption, dereliction of duty and offences under is own, much coveted (although probably not legal) Public Order and Security Act (POSA). So - given a change of power - he would have no need to salute anyone - he would be pleading his case in court!

Given that Mugabe is illegally claiming to be the president - which he is not (and about time the world and the press stopped referring to him as such), he cannot legally sign anything into law. His so-called Police Commissioner is a wanted man, supported by his Deputy Commissioners and Senior Assistant Commissioners, etc! This would, effectively leave the police without any leadership at all! So what happens next? Is there someone amongst the ranks of the Assistant Commissioners who may be sort of OK enough to promote to steer the force through this, it's most difficult hour? Or perhaps it will be time to recall some retired senior officers? or look to the legions of professional officers who have routinely been passed over for promotion for someone suitable? It is notable that the Police non spokesman, or should I say ZANU-PF enforcers spokesman, Assistant Commissioner Wayne Bvudzijena has flown up through the ranks since becoming notorious for toeing the party line and supporting it through his press statements!

I wonder if there is an answer - the police force is the key to the Zimbabwe Situation - along with the army. And it bears serious consideration - because the last thing needed is to turn the police from a ZANU-PF instrument to an MDC one.


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