Sunday, 29 June 2008

International Intervention

At the behest of certain friends, I contacted the CIA recently with a view to getting assistance to remove Mugabe, surgically, without foreign forces in order to create a power vacuum where the MDC could install itself as the legal government.

I was e-mailed by "Jonas" asking all manner of personal questions (to which I provided the details of a serious Mugabe supporter! lol) and for some detail of what we were after.

I replied, with a basic outline of the plan, the piece of equipment needed and some funding (Well less than US$1 million - in case you were wondering!).

The nest day I received an e-mail saying,

"Thank you for your note.
We do NOT condone violence and will not continue contact with you or any persons with whom you are associated."

Hmmm! Do not condone violence eh?? So what are they doing in Iraq or Afghanistan pray tell?????

My reply:

Thank you for your reply. We are disappointed but have noted your response (this in reference to future developments, whereby I am sure the US will be queueing up for a bite of Zim's natural resources! lol). we will continue to seek an internal plan to rid Zimbabwe of Mugabe and his thugs.

I would like you and your colleagues, whenever you read of another Zimbabwean tortured or killed by Mugabe and his illegal so called government, to recall clearly that you do not condone violence.

So - that, again answers the question, will the international community be prepared, in any way, to end Mugabe's rule of Mugabeland?? Even when they are untraceable? NO.

The solution will, as always, have to come from within - but at much greater cost. But the time is at hand - every Zimbabwean and person of conscience must actually do something real to help. Writing letters etc will have the sum total of the square root of nothing effect on anything or anyone!

Despite that doom and gloom I would recall, however, to mind the words of Winston Churchill who said something to the effect of "This is not the end. Indeed nor is it the beginning of the end. It may be, however, the end of the beginning".


1 comment:

Robb WJ Ellis said...

You'd be surprised at the aggitation I caused when I wrote not so long ago, that I would never vote for the Tory party in this country because they were the ones instrumental in bringing Mugabe to power.

People took offence at my comment, saying that the 'offence' happened 28 years ago and therefore did not count.

The fact that Mugabe remains in power seems to have missed their attention.

Sometimes having a blog reaches the parts that a simple letter or petition can't...

Take care.
