Wednesday, 25 June 2008

The World Reacts - but no action!

Hello All,

I have, this morning, been reading on the various news services, the reaction of the world. Finally it has risen from mumbling to actual grumbling! But nothing real really. There was a report in the Times (London) of an MOD plan for military intervention - but when you get to it, really all they are talking about is a plan to rescue their own nationals from Zimbabwe. Nothing unusual there - although, from the British people's point of view - a waste of money. Apart from the Embassy Staff, all the other British nationals who are in the country are there because they are making a financial killing off the situation - and they should be responsible for themselves!

But real military intervention? Not a chance!

Given that Mugabe is no longer the President of Zimbabwe (he lost this election remember? Despite the slanted ground that he had in place even then!) - and Morgan Tsvangirai could legally be argued to actually be the President - does he not have the right to call for UN peacekeepers? So why then, when he asks for them - does the world shimmy shammy away and mutter about a negotiated political settlement?

And all the while, Mugabe has his thugs holding people in "re-education camps" where the beatings continue and starvation is still a weapon. Can you imagine what it must be like to be "re-educated" by retarded thugs? I challenge you to put yourself in the position of someone in one of these camps and imagine what it must be like - then decide whether all this political clap trap is worth anything other than to those politicians who like to be the proverbial empty vessels - making much noise, changing nothing and fluffing out their feathers. When the blood has been spilt and destruction wrought to rid Zimbabwe of Mugabe and his cronies - you can bet these same politicians will be queuing up to stake their claim to some of the not insignificant natural wealth of Zimbabwe - crowing loudly about how much they did!!

The world owes Zimbabwe much - they are the ones who put Mugabe in place, yet conveniently turn their backs on the trouble it has caused - saying "it is a Zimbabwean problem which must be resolved by Zimbabweans"! How nice - did they forget they gave all the guns to Mugabe too? So how then, do Zimbabweans free themselves from Mugabeland? At great cost - and this cost is the fault of the world. Perhaps we should all wake up and realise that there is no responsibility for anything that happens in Africa - despite the fact that the problems have been caused by the foreign governments in the first place!!!! There will, of course, be much hand wringing and wailing and gnashing of teeth after the blood is running in the streets though!

Anyway - it is a Zimbabwean problem - and we will solve it. Although probably not through negotiation - which has consistently failed over the past 8 - 10 years! It reminds me of a photocopied cartoon on the walls of many police stations in Zimbabwe which says, "Never argue with a baboon - people may not be able to tell the difference". Mugabe is clearly a baboon - no point in arguing with him then!


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