Friday, 12 September 2008

A Bated Breath

Well reading the various news stories on the net regarding the signing of the deal is still full of assumption and innuendo, but little real real fact.

It would seem that the details will be released on Monday and, until then speculation will be rife!

The one ray of hope is that it would appear that the Zimbabwe Republic Police and the Ministry of Home Affairs will, in fact, fall under the control of the MDC - who are really the legally elected representatives of the people and nation of Zimbabwe.

Is this the momentous occasion we have awaited? Will ZANU-pf attempt its normal hijack of things? One wonders, but I do take comfort in the fact that Morgan Tsvangirai sticks to his guns and Mugabe and Mbeki will not find it easy to bully him into what is wanted by ZANU-pf. So we will have to see how things develop now.

And, as TheBeardedMan points out - 72 hours is a lifetime in Zimbabwean politics.

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